Magneton Artists
Ruben Gerritz is a singer-songwriter from
Cape Town South Africa. Ruben was looking for a versatile stage guitar with a different vibe and found it in his personal custom made Magneton Coronado – a black beauty with golden hardware.

Ruben Gerritz is a singer-songwriter from Cape Town South Africa. Having his heritage in blues but being open for the influence of many different genres during his musical development, Ruben now eliminates boundaries in music and creates his own unique sound. Writing songs mostly with an indie-pop vibe, he likes to give some songs a funky African touch and proves to strike a chord with the audience.
During his tour in Europe Ruben met Andy when he attended Yeahman's 2019 Guitar Fest in Burgdorf, Switzerland. A month-long process of exchange and designing followed the first contact with Andy regarding building a Magneton custom guitar for Ruben, his first signature model.
Ruben states
« ...from neck shape, wood, pickup selection and Andy’s years of experience and incomparable knowledge of guitar building it was soon developing into a work of art »
After half a year of design and work, the guitar was done. The masterpiece signature guitar was delivered to Ruben, and he plays it ever since.